Tis' The Season: Day 24
It's almost Christmas Day, the apex of the Christmas season. Today's a day of expectation, the day where kids begin to go nuts, churches light candles and sing hymns, and parents stay up late piecing together a Moonbase Space Station play set that may lose it's interest value in less than a week. Note to parents: keep the box those big toys came in. Kids love boxes. They will turn it into a racecar, an army bunker, or a much cooler Moonbase Space Station than the one that was previously stored inside it. One that runs not on plutonium, but the wonderous, limitless imagination of a child (cue grandiose fluorish of strings and Gene Wilder emerges as Willy Wonka with a peaceful smile). Of course if the child is female, she will turn the box into all these same things, just make them pink. A pink Moonbase. Pretty much an easy target for aliens to make fun of. Oh well.
As you stay up late this Christmas Eve to piece together that Moonbase, wrap extra presents, or fight off expectation of the next morning so you can get to sleep (just to wake up the next morning and body check a kid out of the way so you can get to the Moonbase first), feel this virtual Christmas hug sent to you from me. Uh oh, looks like we're standing under some virtual mistle toe....heh, yeah...sooooo....WHOA! back off! At least give me some warning!
If you're finding yourself sluggish from too much egg nogg and yule log and need a pick me up, check out this link Sam Boyd sent me where you can pimp out a nutcracker doll. And this SNL video skit. It's very funny. That should work for your holiday blues.
Merry Christmas to all, and Happy Holidays. Joy to the World!