something to write home about

letters home from the internet

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Brokeback Subway

This morning I got on the 8:30 subway to Times Square. Even though that's only 20 minutes later than my normal train, it is exponentially more crowded. As I transferred to the express train, I was enveloped in a sea of black coats as everyone crowded and pressed in closer than sardines, tight enough to make a spelunker claustrophobic. Would be passengers tried to muscle their way into the train until the doors did a reverse open-sesame and saved us from others trying to tighten our ride forward. Everyone was a little annoyed, sighing and resituating themselves to find extra pockets of space between each other, when a thug type guy beside me announced aloud, chuckling through a tough New York thug accent:

"I actually felt gay for a second there. I was all pressed up against a dude. Ha ha...."

Oh, Brooklyn Bound 2 Express Train... I wish I knew how to quit you.



  • At 11:09 PM, Blogger Marshall said…

    Still reading. Still laughing.

  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger Burly said…

    I think "brokeback" will become the "jump the couch" of 2006. I've heard "brokeback pastors" (, "brokeback bible church" ( sermon) ... and I'm actually wearing a "brokeback shirt" today (see "family photo" at



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