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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Question The Answers

Greetings all, welcome to the first post of 2006. A new year, a new lease on life, and this being the 10th day of the new year, I'm not making much headway on my "Nip Procrastination In The Bud" goal. I promise more posts to come soon. There's much news to report - a new neighborhood, a new roommate, I'm enrolled in some new classes, and I just got some new shoes. Bonus!

For now, I'll leave you with some questions proliferating in my head today:

Was that lemon flavor in the leftover pound cake I just ate in the office breakroom natural? Did it come from real lemons?

Were the sprinkles that adorned the top of the pound cake's icing natural? Where do sprinkles come from? (Duh, everyone knows that. Something as colorful and fun as sprinkles aren't natural - but they aren't manmade either. They are excess explosions of glamour given off from Elton John's sequiny clothes. Useful excess, like how penicillin came from mold.)

I photocopied packets for "Diversity Awareness" at work that had clipart of a Hispanic woman, an Indian woman, a White man and a Black man all standing around an office desk. But how does that Sasquatch in our office feel? Pretty underrepresented I bet. And left out and sad. And don't say you can't find Sasquatch clip art. That's a weak excuse.

Why was it 55 degrees in New York City yesterday on January 9th? Why am I questioning that?

What is Wang Chung doing right now?

(Duh, Wang Chung-ing. What is on this record anyway? 17 remixes of that one song?)


  • At 10:54 PM, Blogger Burly said…

    doesn't look like anyone has linked to this post ... but they should.


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