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Sunday, December 11, 2005

Tis' The Season: Day 11

Today's Topic: SCUBA CLAUS!!!

Kentucky is adding some Christmas flare to one of its aquariums. Through the Christmas season, schoolchildren can come and see Santa and his elf helper Snowflake underwater, IN A SHARK TANK. Check out the full article here, but below are some of my favorite quotes:

'Calvin Freeman, age 4, has a question for Scuba Santa. "Do you only have nice sharks in there?" Calvin asks, pointing to a toothy, 270-pound tiger shark swishing past Santa's underwater sleigh. "Because some sharks chew people's legs off. They're bad sharks."'

'To avoid being eaten, Santa takes several precautions. He checks his arms and legs before each show to be sure he has no open, bleeding cuts.' (It makes me wonder if Santa usually has open bleeding cuts...."Ho Ho Hoooooo!? I'm bleeding again. Dang it.")

'Once in the water he keeps his hands close to his body and makes no sudden moves; if Santa were to wave quickly, a passing shark could mistake his flopping, white-gloved hand for a wounded fish. The subsequent interaction would no doubt prove emotionally scarring for the dozens of children in the audience.'

'"Help me out, kids," said Santa. "What do you think I should get the jellyfish for Christmas?"
"Peanut butter!" said Alex Covington, 3.
"That's a good idea!" Santa said. "Now, what do you think I should get for my sea turtle friend here, Denver?"
"An underwater crossbow!" yelled Calvin Freeman.'

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