something to write home about

letters home from the internet

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sunday Funnies

If you happen to be out Sunday morning on your way to church or breakfast, (or if you're simply stumbling home from a long night of gettin' freaky to some R. Kelly tracks in some ridiculous club) stop by the UCB Theatre and catch part of the 8th Annual Del Close Marathon. The DCM is a 72 hour long improv marathon that takes place every summer at the UCB Theatre with teams from all over performing continuously all weekend in 30 minute slots. Here's the list of the performing teams below:

And if you look a little closer on that list you see....

So on your way to worship or eat (or on your way to crashing in your bed after desecrating your ears and dignity with club tunes like "Beep Beep, Who Got The Keys To The Jeep") come see some hilarious sunrise improv. Because everything's funny at 7AM. No, really.


Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Notes From The Daily Grind

Note 1: Due to lack of mug washing, every time i take a sip of tea from my mug at work, I get a whiff of old tea and sour milk. It's like kissing an old British sailor every 3 1/2 minutes. "Tally Ho, James! Ok....back off."

Note 2: I watched a raw, uncut water birthing from footage from one of the maternity shows at work. I didn't realize it was raw, unedited footage until someone said, "Oh look, there's the head!". And then I realized, they don't put those shots on TV. Unless I am unknowingly working for very very different network than I thought.

Note 3: While watching footage of people experiencing fine dining , a man exlaimed, "I love the versatility of the crabcake!" I feel this man's excitement. If I could only find crabcakes versatile enough to match the widley varied occasions, my social circles, and outfits at my disposal, I'd be a happier man. All my crabcakes are so one-sided. I mean, my goodness - we can put 4 hours of video and 10,0000 songs in our pockets, but we can barely make a versatile crabcake. Weep for yourself, human race. Weep.
