something to write home about

letters home from the internet

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Notes From The Daily Grind

Note 1: Due to lack of mug washing, every time i take a sip of tea from my mug at work, I get a whiff of old tea and sour milk. It's like kissing an old British sailor every 3 1/2 minutes. "Tally Ho, James! Ok....back off."

Note 2: I watched a raw, uncut water birthing from footage from one of the maternity shows at work. I didn't realize it was raw, unedited footage until someone said, "Oh look, there's the head!". And then I realized, they don't put those shots on TV. Unless I am unknowingly working for very very different network than I thought.

Note 3: While watching footage of people experiencing fine dining , a man exlaimed, "I love the versatility of the crabcake!" I feel this man's excitement. If I could only find crabcakes versatile enough to match the widley varied occasions, my social circles, and outfits at my disposal, I'd be a happier man. All my crabcakes are so one-sided. I mean, my goodness - we can put 4 hours of video and 10,0000 songs in our pockets, but we can barely make a versatile crabcake. Weep for yourself, human race. Weep.



  • At 8:59 AM, Blogger Marshall said…

    Where do you work now?

  • At 3:26 PM, Blogger lurx said…

    All I have to say is : You've obviously never had MY crabcakes. Versatile as all GITTOUT!

  • At 8:25 PM, Blogger Zhauna Bitchcakes said…

    I don't know why eyes squirt out juice when something is mad funny but yo man...I'm feelin' it.
    BTW props to Harlem.


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