something to write home about

letters home from the internet

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Revenge of the Nerd Date

Well I sure showed that quiz I posted about last week. Saturday I wondered about what I would dress up as for Halloween parties and Monday night, but I knew I wasn't gonna dress up as no stinkin' candy corn cocktail watiress. A couple hours, some tin foil, a few flowers, and Bryan Norton's father-in-law's old tux shirt combined to make - a "Nerd Date". Sounds pretty lame, right? Oh, not so.

I stole the heart of the prom queen at Saturday's party:

And at the Halloween parade on Monday, a random crowdsperson wanted to get a picture with me (while someone in the background was raptured apparently):

All in all, the old "Nerd Date" costume proved a faithful standby. So next year, when you don't wanna be Darth Vader, Nick or Jessica, Harry Potter, or a "Sexy (insert anything here) or "Dead (insert anything here also)" return to the ol' standby and go with Nerd Date. People love the headgear.

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  • At 11:41 PM, Blogger cory cavin said…

    Ok, this may be kinda lame to comment on your own blog but i just realized that if you click on the top picture and enlarge it, you can see in the background of the party scene, 3 other partygoer friends who were dressed as a donut, coffee, and a cigarette as a group costume, all homemade from cardboard. big hit of the party.

  • At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Um, is that the refulgent glimmer of a mustache that I see? Perhaps it wasn't the costume that attracted the ladies.


  • At 12:18 PM, Blogger cory cavin said…

    Touche. funny how "touche" looks like "moustache".

  • At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    cory you look fabulous... you can come be my date anytime... we'll show everybody how nerds can really dance!

  • At 10:45 PM, Blogger Burly said…

    Um. Please don't ever say "touche" again - no matter how much it looks like "mustache." It sickens us. You can just as easily say, "oh, you got me," or something like that.

  • At 11:44 PM, Blogger cory cavin said…


  • At 11:44 PM, Blogger cory cavin said…

    allison....i was actually talking up you and i's dance skills at that party with the prom queen in the picture. i miss you my dance partner.

  • At 2:42 PM, Blogger Burly said…

    You sicken me.


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