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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Tis' The Season: Day 13

Today's Topic: Holiday Gift Shopping

What do you get the person who has everything? You can't get them the practical, they already own the practical, and all the hottest trends as well. Do you buy a gag gift, or the old standby - a gift card? Or search and search for something they definitely don't have, something they'd never buy for themself? But, aren't extra "things" just bulk to clutter up the house? After the holidays, the person who has everything, really does have everything because now they have the wacky gifts they wouldn't have bought for themself, plus the everything they had before. Now they've gotta lug these things around like a ball and chain of yuletide novelty.

J. has a holiday gift guide including a whole page of items for the person who has everything. Here's what they suggest:

If you're gonna give that ball and chain, you might as well go all out I suppose.

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