something to write home about

letters home from the internet

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

There's A BLACKOUT In NYC Tonight

Tonight, all those in the NYC area, prepare to sit in the dark and be tickled (not literally, that's weird) as my improv group BLACKOUT does a show at the UCB Theatre tonight in NYC. BLACKOUT performs a fully improvised show off one suggestion completely in the dark. It's like an improvised radio show, or like lying in bed awake listening to your neighbors fight (only funnier).

Show starts at 11pm, tickets are $5, and you can even go at 8:00pm and see great improv from the UCBT's Harold teams and stay for our show afterwards....all for one low price. Come on out and wear whatever you want, because no one will be able to see you in the dark. You can finally wear that Bobby Brown t-shirt you've wanted to.



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